NET(net) kicks off its first 2017 with Microsoft, a Manager-Magazin Germany feature with quotes from our Founder, Steven Zolman, and more...
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Manager-Magazin, Quotes NET(net) Founder, Steven Zolman on the State of IBM and Ginny Rometty

Steven Zolman, a long time critic and expert on IBM was quoted in a feature article of Manager-Magazin, Germany, in the January issue titled, "Little Big Blue". The author Ava Müller discusses the many minefields that IBM must overcome to regain even a semblance of their former stature and growth. To connect directly to the article, click the read more link below. 


Manager Magazin3.jpg
Microsoft Announces That Some "included free" Features Will Now Cost Extra: What's Free Today, is Fee Tomorrow

by Scott Braden

For some time, we have espoused the wisdom of diversification out of your ‘Microsoft’ portfolio, and look for ways to find, test and integrate disruptive suppliers and solutions.  The reason is pretty simple – with diversification comes innovation, cost reduction, and eventually transformation.

Microsoft: Take our Product Licensing Quiz to See How Well You Know Them
Microsoft is multifaceted and their licensing is very complex. Ready to test your knowledge on Microsoft licensing? You will be surprised by what you learn. Take the quiz now! 
Click for WIN(win) home page..
Are you a user of our WIN(win) platform? We released a new dashboard update in January. If you haven't logged in lately, you should check it out! 
Technology Trends for 2017: Here is What is to Come

Technology is a continually changing and evolving thing, with something new right around the corner.

  • Smart home technology
  • Virtual Reality
  • Machine Learning
  • Humanized Big Data
  • Physical-Digital Integrations

Click below to go to Forbes to read more on "17 Top Enterrprise Tech Trends for 2017."

NET(net) Welcomes Alex McDoom!

NET(net) is happy to announce that Alex McDoom has joined our development team based in Grand Cayman. Alex is a recent graduate with a Bachelors degree in Computer Science. He has interests in computer hardware and robotics and has spent more than 10 years working with computers. Welcome Alex!

Finding and Getting Value in Your Supply Chain - SAVE Program

Can you see the value in your IT spend? If you can't see it, do you know where to get it? We think it is essential for you to Find and Get Value in what you are purchasing.

We have a program just for teams ready to Find and Get more Value from their Technology Suppliers.  We call it SAVE (Spend Assessment, Value Extraction) - perfected through thousands of field engagements.

To learn more about how the program works - Click Here.

Speaking Engagements from NET(net):

If you would like to engage a NET(net) Subject Matter Expert for your next Executive event, contact us to discuss the event, audience, and message.  To learn more about our speaking events, please click here or contact  

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To learn more about any of NET(net)'s services, contact your NET(net) representative, email us at, or call us at +1-866-2-NET-net today to see if we can help you capture more value.

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