

Do you really know how good your Oracle pricing is?

We Have the World's Very Best Federated Market Intelligence (FMI) On Demand for Your Oracle Spend gathered from 20 years and thousands of engagements negotiating and optimizing deals.

  • Complete your name and email below, and we'll send a secure link with direct access to our benchmark tool immediately.  
  • When completed, you'll get a downloadable PDF analytic graphing your spend versus the market, along with specific terms, conditions, and insight based on your inputs.

Knowing how well your Oracle agreements are optmized can be like threading a needle while traveling at the speed of light - unless of course you're a market expert.  NET(net) has developed the only tool that can deliver a federated market assessment based on your existing deal, your future spend, and your average pricing, gathered from years of Federated Market Intelligence in a matter of minutes. By answering a few simple questions, we'll deliver analytics and recommendations that you can action immediately.

In 3 Steps - you get the information you need to be informed about the deal you deserve:        

  1. Complete a short form below so we know you're not a 'web bot'
  2. Get the secure link 
  3. Answer 8 Questions on our benchmark survey